Previously, many crocodiles were seen around here (which is why it was mistakenly named Rio Lagartos), but their numbers have significantly decreased to the point of being endangered.
One might think that individual actions cannot save the world, but this is evidence that collective efforts can. The Marfil Marrufo family, along with other valuable community members, have undertaken the noble task of breeding, caring for, and preserving crocodiles.
This occurs through their UMA Itzamkanac, which stands for the Lizard's Seat, a name inspired by the Mayan god Itzam na, the lord of the heavens, day, and night. For the Maya, these majestic prehistoric animals were considered mystical beings with a strong connection to the sky and the underworld. They believed that the earth rested on a crocodile in the water.
It is our duty as living beings to care for our home, our giant crocodile: the earth, and all the beings that inhabit it. You can also help the crocodiles through UMA Itzamkanac by visiting them, feeding them, understanding them, and taking care of them.
Mural Ria Cocodrila


Mural Ria Cocodrila
